I've often heard, 'Fishing, that sounds like a relaxing activity.'  You want to relax?  I suggest golf.  As you may have surmised, fishing is an important part of my Life.  It fills my need for connection to the Natural world, and leads me to discovery of places new and old.  Let me add that my method of pursuit is far from sedentary, and in fact  full of adrenalin-pumping effort.   Relaxing is what happens after fishing...  I invite you to take a vicarious trip (or two) with me and decide how relaxing you think this is! 

Pictured here is a sea run Brook Trout encountered during a week-long self-guided canoe trip with a friend on a wild Hudson Bay tributary in Northern Manitoba.   Travel Manitoba btw is an excellent resource for trekking around this open and under sung province.  And if fly fishing is on your agenda, Manitoba Fly Fishers is the club for you. 

This page is devoted to some of the stories, journals and articles I've written based on my travels along the trail to adventure - and although Life lessons come from all angles (snicker) several of these coincidentally included fishing!  I've been fortunate to have backpacked over large expanses of the US and Canada, as well as Argentina, Costa Rica, Thailand and New Zealand.   My current home base is in the beautiful Lake Tahoe area.   I suppose the fact that backpacking and fishing brings me to places like this is one of the greatest reasons for doing it. 

More tales of terror to follow...  New Page - Fish Pix - Coming soon...


 Contact Write Angler for Further Fishing Adventure!  

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